How Do I Love My EV? Let Me Count the Ways
2/14/2025 / Birgitte Rasine
Today, we celebrate the 6th anniversary of XCare. Yes, we launched it on Valentine’s Day, 2019—and that was completely and wholly unplanned. This is what happens when you’re heads down for 8 months. You lose track of time and end up launching your extended warranty program on a day usually dedicated to chocolate, wine, and flowers.
But, it was all meant to be. Because XCare, and everything we do, stems from a deep love and passion for the future of travel, transportation, and for the people on this journey with us.
And so, in honor of these amazing first 6 years, and to toast many a year more, we’d like to share an ode to EVs… inspired by the famous sonnet “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” by 19th century poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Ode to EVs
How do I love my EV? Let me count the ways.
I love thee for the torque and power and acceleration
My soul can reach, when the road is clear and wide
And it’s just you and me, wild and free.
I love thee for the smoothness of your ride and the silence of your motor,
By the spark of electric energy and the sun’s infinite grace.
I love thee for the freedom you grant me from the fumes of fossil fuels
choking our streets and families
Yea, I love thee freely, as ICE cars strive to catch up.
I love thee madly, for the maintenance burden you release me from
Oil changes are but a faded memory, spark plugs but a distant shimmer, and timing belts,
oh timing belts! Alas, they’ve lost their cool
O electric love, I love thee with a passion I thought I’d lost
When last my ICE car degraded with all those miles run
And a new set of wheels I was forced to embrace
That in turn enveloped me in a bed of superior safety...*
What smiles, and tears of joy I wept when my hands
on your steering wheel I placed! And if all of us so choose,
I shall but love thee better after the death of pumping gasoline.
For the culturally curious among you, here’s the original poem:
How do I love thee? (Sonnet 43)
We can't help but wonder what EV Elizabeth would have driven, if she lived today. What do you think?
* Overall, EVs are considered as safe or safer than ICE cars, due to a number of features:
• Stronger structural integrity (depending on manufacturer, but especially Tesla)
• More expansive front crumple zones (because, no engine in the front)
• Lower center of gravity due to floor-mounted battery pack reduces rollover risk
• Instant acceleration (to get out of dangerous situations)
• Active safety features — multiple sensors & cameras
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